Jemma and Her booger-head Brother are arguing about what to watch on TV.
he wants to watch Football...and Jemma wants to watch American Idol. As
they are on the sofa bickering....Jemma notices that
Her Brother is staring at Her Ass! Jemma's Ass is the ninth wonder of
the, not surprising that Her own Brother can't keep his eyes
off it!! lol Jemma decides to use this to Her advantage!
Since She realizes that booger-head is getting excited while staring at
Her behind...Jemma makes him an offer, that She knows he cannot refuse.
Jemma offers to Beat him Off...if he'll let Her watch
American Idol. The fucktard eagerly accepts the offer to be masturbated
by his ridiculously Hot baby sister. Jemma gets Her Brother's pants
down, and starts to Whack him Off. When he begins to take
too long...and Her show is about to start....Jemma resorts to a trick
that She learned recently....She oils up a finger...and shoves it up
booger-head's asshole....and Milks his Prostate!!! Jemma
induces a swift, efficient...and violent orgasm by massaging his
Prostate while Jerking him Off with the other hand!!! Little Girls